Hope is the last to die
Today was a beautiful day. Got lots of work done. People seem to be talking about their new work from home experiences — I've been living it for the last 5 years! I love it.
I've always been meaning to read this book by Halina Birenbaum called Hope is the last to die. It's an account of a young jewish girl's concentration camp experience. In fact, I have a very similar book in my drawer as I write this post: The Choice by Edith Eger.
I tried reading The Choice twice this year, but put it down both times because I felt I need to give it more time and focus than I tend to give most books so that I can get the most out of it. It's got this line on its cover: "Even in hell hope can flower". Beautiful right?
In times like this, it's so easy to be afraid or worried or anxious—if not for ourselves—for those we love and care about. But we still have a choice to spread love. And hope. It's a choice, and I hope we all remember that.